Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Feb 22, 2011

Sunday night I was watching the movie Winters Bone, when my middle sister sent me a text about Ivy. It was weird timing because the darkness of the movie was making me think about her already. She wanted to know about the competency hearing. It was rescheduled to June and I don't know how, but Nicole was not told. I called on Monday to find out the answer to her questions.

Why the delay?
Why the new judge?
Why the new lawyer?

The judge was because the original judge was in a car accident. To make it speedy (this was a year ago) they switched judges. The delay was because the new judge (which is actually his original judge from when he was convicted) had a conflict. The new lawyer s because the DA had a conflict of interest.

These days are always tough on me. 24 years after her death and it hurts these days.

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